Soon after the release of the expansion’s Season 2, the devs announced a new major update – Patch 10.1.5: Fractures In Time. The update will introduce a new Evoker spec, a public event, a questline, and more. Besides these, we will get a new Mythic-only mega-dungeon called Dawn of the Infinite.
According to the official description, the dungeon “will take players across the timeways” to intervene in the Infinite Dragonflight plans of transforming Nozdormu, the Aspect of Time, into Murazond. There, you will encounter Iridikron, Galakrond, and many others. With that being said, let’s see what else is known about Dawn of the Infinite.
New Dungeon Release Date
Unfortunately, there’s no official info regarding the Dawn of the Infinite launch date and time. But, according to Dragonflight’s roadmap, we should expect a new Patch and, therefore, activity to be released this summer.
How to Enter Dawn of the Infinite?
As many players speculated online, the entrance to the upcoming raid could be found in the Temporal Conflux in Thaldrazsus. This one is hard to miss as there is a massive bronze gate with big spikes of the same color in this area. That’s where players will be able to enter Dawn of the Infinite and probably spend more than one hour running this dungeon.
First Look at Mega-Dungeon Map
The fans have discovered the in-game map of Dawn of the Infinite that demonstrates the dungeon’s scale, as well as some of the locations.
From what we can see, there are eight areas, each coinciding with particular timelines and the encounter. There’s a great bastion in Thaldraszus’ Temporal Conflux, which might be a starting location, and the area with a giant Galakrond’s head, where we might face Iridikon. Also, one can recognize Alliance Keep and Orcish Tower, where the Time-Lost Battlefield encounter will take place. Here’s a closer look at areas.
What Bosses Will We Meet in Dawn of the Infinite?
Everything we know about the bosses and their names is the info from the first PTR build and encounter journal, meaning they might change when the mega-dungeon goes live. But for now, here is the list of all eight bosses:
- Chronikar
- Manifested Timeways
- Blight of Galakrond
- Iridikron the Stonescaled
- Tyr, the Infinite Keeper
- Morchie
- Time-Lost Battlefield
- Chrono-Lord Deios and the Infinite Dragonflight
We might know much about everyone on this list, but we do know Iridikron the Stonescaled, whom players hope to fight in the dungeon and whose model you can see on this image.

On top of that, we have models of three aforementioned bosses, one of whom is Morchie, an evil alter ego of Chromie. Here they are.
Vyranoth the Frozenheart
Tyr, the Infinite Keeper
In addition, we got the dungeon’s teaser image shows a giant dragon skull that looks like Galakrond.
Besides these, there are also some images of the Sand Elemental boss (at least that’s what it looks like) and the Time-Lost Battlefield encounter, which you can check below.
Get Ready for What's Next with LFCarry
For now, this is all we know about the upcoming mega-dungeon. Once we have more details, we’ll update this article. However, even this limited info makes us want to enter Dawn of the Infinite and face its encounters as soon as possible. Alas, we probably need to wait at least a couple of months for that.
Luckily, the newest patch has just been released, and we have plenty of content to explore. So if you want new achievements, gear, and items but don’t have time for it all, LFCarry is here to help you get it all.
Whether you want a specific item for your collection, conquer a new raid, run dungeons for the rarest loot, or gold farm, we’ve got you covered. Just go to our website, check what offers we have for the latest update, pick the one you want, and let our professional players take care of it!
That would be all for today. Thank you for reading, and have the best game!
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Polly Gruse is a seasoned gamer with extensive experience in the Call of Duty series, as well as deep expertise in Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft, allowing her to craft detailed guides and insightful analyses that help players refine their skills, master game mechanics, and stay ahead of the competition.