Melee DPS specs have seen significant changes in the upcoming expansion of World of Warcraft, The War Within. With so many options available, it can be challenging to decide which spec to use. This blog post ranks the best and worst melee DPS specs based on their damage, rotation fun, hero talent tree design, and overall class identity. Let’s dive in!
Unholy Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight has made significant strides in The War Within. This spec hits harder than most and offers excellent raiding and Mythic Plus build variety. The stunning visuals and hero talent trees are fun and impactful. The Riders of the Apocalypse tree summons an army of the undead, while the Sand Lane tree focuses on vampiric gameplay. Both trees are well-designed and make the class straightforward and enjoyable to play.
Enhancement Shaman
Enhancement Shaman has seen a surprising turnaround. Despite having a complex rotation with many buttons, the damage output is phenomenal. The Stormbringer hero talent tree focuses on lightning-based abilities, while the Totemic tree enhances your totems. Both trees are effective, although Stormbringer is currently stronger. The class fantasy and visuals are top-notch, making Enhancement Shaman a fantastic choice.
Fury Warrior
Fury Warrior is a powerhouse when it comes to raw damage. The rotation is simple, and the cooldowns are highly impactful. However, the hero talent trees lack the oomph seen in other specs. The Mountain King tree offers an enhanced Thunderclap, while the Slayer tree focuses on Execute, Bladestorm, and Bloodthirst. Despite the lackluster talent trees, Fury Warrior remains a strong contender due to its high damage output.
Windwalker Monk
Windwalker Monk consistently deals with high damage and has smooth, fluid rotation. The Conduit of Celestial hero talent tree stands out, offering significant damage and healing. However, the Shadow Pan tree is poorly designed and lacks impact. Despite this, Windwalker Monk remains a solid choice for raiding and Mythic Plus.
Survival Hunter
The reworked Survival Hunter feels much smoother and deals substantial damage. The Sentinel hero talent tree is highly impactful, while the Pack Leader tree is lackluster. Survival Hunter’s unique hybrid playstyle between melee and ranged makes it an exciting choice.
Retribution Paladin
Retribution Paladin has undergone a significant overhaul, resulting in a more straightforward and impactful rotation. The Templar hero talent tree is enjoyable, offering consistent burst windows. However, the spec’s value is somewhat diminished due to the strength of Holy Paladin in the current meta.
Frost Death Knight
Frost Death Knight is a solid choice but is overshadowed by the Unholy spec. The Riders of the Apocalypse and Deathbringer hero talent trees are fun and impactful. However, recent nerfs have pushed Frost DK into the middle of the pack.
Havoc Demon Hunter
Recent buffs have improved Havoc Demon Hunter, making it a more straightforward and effective spec. The Fel Scard hero talent tree is now more viable, shifting the class back to its simpler, high-damage roots. Despite this, the rotation can feel cluttered with too many abilities.
Arms Warrior
Arms Warrior has a straightforward rotation and impactful cooldowns, but its damage is inconsistent. The Colossus hero talent tree offers a satisfying burst window, but the spec lacks sustained damage, making it less competitive.
Subtlety Rogue
Subtlety Rogue is the best-performing Rogue spec, but it still needs to catch up. The Trickster hero talent tree is passive and unimpactful, and the rotation feels bland. Despite this, due to its relative performance, Subtlety remains the go-to Rogue spec.
Feral Druid
Feral Druid needs more modern mechanics and has a poorly designed talent tree. The class feels unimpactful outside of cooldown windows, and the rotation is lackluster. Feral Druid is in desperate need of an overhaul.
Outlaw Rogue
Outlaw Rogue performs well in Mythic Plus but is heavily target-capped and reliant on RNG. The Fate Bound hero talent tree doubles down on this RNG aspect, making the spec feel inconsistent and unimpactful.
Assassination Rogue
Assassination Rogue has decent initial damage but quickly falls off. The Deathstalker hero talent tree forces weak abilities, making the rotation clunky. Despite some potential, Assassination Rogue is currently underperforming.
Master The War Within: Top Melee DPS Specs Ranked!
That’s our ranking of the best and worst melee DPS specs in The War Within! Each spec has its strengths and weaknesses; your choice will ultimately depend on your playstyle and preferences.
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