Hallow’s End: WoW World Event Guide

Hallow’s End in World of Warcraft is not just about spooks and fun; it’s an amalgamation of lore, challenges, and rewards. This article delves into the essence of this event, its historical significance in Azeroth, its timing, and the sought-after rewards that come with it. Get ready to light your in-game jack-o’-lanterns with our Hallow’s end guide!


What Is Hallow's End?

Hallow’s End is a time-honored tradition in Azeroth, marking the Forsaken’s liberation from the Scourge’s chilling grasp. It’s a fusion of eerie delights and deep-rooted history, mirroring the global Halloween celebrations but with an Azerothian twist making the perfect WoW halloween events. The undead light a grand wicker effigy every year, traditionally under Lady Sylvanas’ watchful gaze. Yet, with the recent upheavals in the Shadowlands, the ceremony is set to take an unprecedented turn. Alongside, the notorious Headless Horseman, the event’s main antagonist, has undergone tweaks both in the challenges he presents and the rewards he bestows. All in all, it’s a season of mirth, mystery, and memories.

This ghostly Halloween event WoW celebration stretches over 14 days, casting its shadow from October 17th to November 1st. Adventurers have this fortnight to delve into festive activities, gather the peculiar Tricky Treats for unique rewards, and win holiday-specific achievements. It’s a limited-time window packed with endless excitement and opportunities.

Exquisite Costume Set: "The Lich King"

How Do You Get Hallow's End Xp Buff?

One of the most enticing aspects of Hallow’s End is the substantial XP buff, making it an opportune moment for leveling up characters. The Wickerman Festival, a vital event component, offers powerful buffs tailored for the Alliance and the Horde. Every four hours, the cities reverberate with a call, hinting at the imminent blessing from either Sylvanas for the Horde or Genn for the Alliance.

The “Decree of the Dark Lady” buff awaits for the Horde. Players can receive this after witnessing a theatrical display where Sylvanas, in previous years, would set the Wickerman alight outside the Undercity. This act, symbolizing the Forsaken’s resilience and power, grants adventurers a buff that lasts an hour and endures beyond death.

The Alliance, on the other hand, is blessed with “Greymane’s Resolve.” This buff can be acquired as players watch Genn Greymane reflect on the Wickerman’s flames outside Stormwind. These flames, representing the indomitable spirit of the Worgen, grant a similar hour-long enhancement that persists even after a player’s demise.

With such buffs, the leveling journey accelerates, making the process smoother and more efficient. Whether you face the challenges of leveling head-on or seek external help, this period ensures your time in Azeroth is well-spent and memorable.

Hallow’s End in WoW is a celebration and an opportunity for players to dive deep into Azeroth’s lore, tackle revamped bosses, and benefit from significant XP buffs. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just stepping into the spooky festivities, this guide ensures you’re well-prepared for the haunts and delights of the season.

Are There Special Rewards For This Event?

Hallow’s End in WoW offers unique items like wands, masks, and Tricky Treats, which can be exchanged for festive rewards and achievements explicitly tied to the holiday’s challenges.


Wands in WoW aren’t just ordinary sticks. They’re potent magical items, allowing users to channel arcane energy, often used to inflict damage or cast specific spells, adding a strategic layer to battles.


Masks in WoW go beyond mere cosmetics. These are thematic face coverings, often representing various Azeroth races. During events like Hallow’s End, masks become collectibles, adding flair and fun to the in-game celebrations.



The coveted Horseman’s Reins mount is a sought-after treasure during Hallow’s End. Adventurers must confront and defeat the Headless Horseman in the Scarlet Monastery’s Graveyard to snag this mount. With each triumph, there’s a chance the mount will be amongst the spoils, making the pursuit as thrilling as it’s rewarding.

The Magic Broom and Flying Broom are temporary mounts accessible exclusively during the event. You can discover the Magic Broom within the reward crate obtained after putting out fires in initial settlements. On the other hand, the Flying Broom might be found as a potential daily drop from facing the Headless Horseman.

The Headless Horseman

A fierce encounter awaits players daring enough to challenge the infamous Headless Horseman at the Scarlet Monastery’s Graveyard. As one of the main attractions of Hallow’s End, this battle is about strategy and understanding your foe. The Horseman, once a knight of the Silver Hand, is now a cursed soul seeking vengeance during this spectral season.

Players eager for this 5-player boss fight should note that the encounter is only accessible through the Dungeon Finder. While adventurers from levels 10 to 60 can take on this spectral foe, the special Loot-Filled Pumpkin reward is reserved for those level 45 and above. If your squad is short of a healer, a tank, or even a seasoned raid leader, consider seeking assistance with the WoW Rent, a PvE booster to bolster your chances.

New Headless Horseman Achievements

With every passing year, new challenges arise, and this time around, several fresh achievements associated with the Headless Horseman have been introduced:

Headless Horseman Tactic

Datamining reveals a few tweaks to the Headless Horseman’s abilities, hinting at a possible special difficulty – the Hard Mode. While any tactical changes’ specifics remain unsurprisingly, the fundamental strategy should remain relatively consistent. Here’s a brief breakdown of the encounter’s phases:

  • Phase One: Players should focus their firepower on the Horseman until his health dwindles to 1%. At this critical juncture, his head detaches and positions itself randomly, boasting a unique health pool. The challenge lies in bringing the detached head’s health down to 67% before the main body fully regenerates.
  • Phase Two: The team should spread out and again turn their attention to the now-reattached Horseman. Upon reaching 1% health, the head goes rogue again. This round requires players to carve the head’s health to 33% before the body fully recovers.
  • Phase Three: In this final showdown, players should barrage the boss with all they’ve got. When the Horseman’s health reaches the critical 1%, his head makes its last stand. The ultimate goal? Defeat the head in its entirety.
The Horseman's Sinister Slicer

Headless Horseman Loot

Beyond the standard boss loot, the Horseman offers a chance to obtain the coveted Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Hidden within, players might find rare and unique rewards, adding an extra layer of anticipation to this already exhilarating encounter.

From Boss:

From Loot-Filled Pumpkin:

Sinister Squashling

Earning Daily Quests And Treats

During Hallow’s End, adventurers have a unique opportunity to amass Tricky Treats, a particular event currency. How do you acquire them? Dive into a mix of daily tasks and some that can be revisited hourly. Here’s a snapshot of what’s available:

  • “Trick or Treat!”: Drop by any inn and interact with its innkeeper once every hour. The result? You might bag some delightful candies, magical wands, or intriguing masks. Or, be prepared to chuckle at an amusing transformation they play on you.
  • “The Savior of Hallow’s End”: Take on a hero’s role by dousing the flames caused by the mischievous Headless Horseman. Fetch water buckets and extinguish those fires to save the day!
  • Horseman Challenges: Venture across the land where the Horseman wreaks havoc. Stand up, fight back, and protect the realm from his menace.
  • Candy Buckets: Across the vast world, inns beckon with their candy-filled buckets. Take up their quest and enjoy the Tricky Treats they yield.

Locating the Luscious Candy Buckets

In the World of Warcraft during Hallow’s End, the quest for Candy Buckets Draenor takes you on a delightful journey across diverse terrains. Brimming with Tricky Treats, these buckets are strewn across continents and realms. Let’s navigate through their locations:

  • Eastern Kingdoms: Visit bustling hubs like Stormwind City, Ironforge, and more. Don’t miss the myriad towns sprinkled across the land.
  • Kalimdor: From the mighty Orgrimmar to the mystical Darnassus and countless towns in between, candy awaits.
  • Outland: Dive into both Horde and Alliance inns stretching across zones from Hellfire Peninsula to the enigmatic Shadowmoon Valley.
  • Northrend: From Borean Tundra’s icy expanses to Icecrown’s chilling realm, inns house these sweet delights.
  • Cataclysm Realms: Traverse regions from Mount Hyjal to the Twilight Highlands, ensuring you check their welcoming inns.
  • Mysteries of Pandaria: Explore inns in places like The Jade Forest and the enchanting Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
  • Draenor: Delight in treats from zones, including Frostfire Ridge and the lofty Spires of Arak.
  • The Broken Isles: Journey across locations from Azsuna to the majestic Suramar for these seasonal rewards.
  • Zandalar & Kul Tiras: Those exploring BFA territories, the inns in places like Zuldazar and Drustvar beckon.
  • Realm of the Shadowlands: Every covenant’s heartland and the grand Oribos hold these treasures.
  • Dragonflight’s Isle: Seek in Valdrakken and various quaint settlements across this island.

Dive into these delightful quests, enjoy the treats, and embrace the spirit of Hallow’s End!

How To Obtain Tricky Treats?

As the eerie shadow of Hallow’s End falls over Azeroth, adventurers gear up to indulge in mischievous activities and gather unique rewards. One coveted prize during this haunting celebration is the Tricky Treats, a special currency exclusive to the event. These treats symbolize the festive spirit and pave the way for acquiring exclusive items.

  • Collecting Tricky Treats: it is not a Herculean task but demands involvement in various event-specific activities. Here are the primary avenues to amass these festive goodies:
  • Candy Buckets: Spread throughout Azeroth are Candy Buckets waiting to be discovered by enthusiastic players. These buckets are generously filled with Tricky Treats. They can be located in major cities, towns, outposts, and inns across various continents, from Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor to more recent areas like Dragonflight.
  • Quest Rewards: Azeroth’s denizens are eager to celebrate, offering numerous quests during Hallow’s End. Engaging in activities such as dousing fires in locations like Razor Hill or Falconwing Square can lead to bountiful rewards, including Tricky Treats. Moreover, quests directly related to the notorious Headless Horseman are also known to compensate players with these festive currencies.
  • Headless Horseman Encounters: The iconic antagonist of this event, the Headless Horseman, once defeated, might leave behind a Loot-Filled Pumpkin. While this reward can encompass a myriad of items, there’s always a good chance it contains some Tricky Treats.
  • Innkeepers’ “Trick or Treat!”: Every hour, an opportunity arises where players can engage in a “Trick or Treat!” with innkeepers. While there’s a possibility of experiencing quirky transformations or effects, more often than not, players receive treats enriched with Tricky Treats.
  • Hallow’s End Daily Tasks: Specific daily quests tailored for the event, often stationed outside significant cities and notable areas, reward Tricky Treats upon completion.
  • World Quests in Dragonflight: For those wandering in Dragonflight territories, watch for Hallow’s End-themed world quests. Participating and completing these might bestow additional Tricky Treats.

Weighted Jack-O'-Lantern Locations

One of the most sought-after rewards during Hallow’s End is the enigmatic Loot-Filled Pumpkin. Contrary to its name, this item isn’t something players need to hunt down in specific places across the vast expanse of Azeroth. Instead, it’s a cherished reward for those who dare to face and conquer the Headless Horseman.

For those unfamiliar with the process of obtaining a Loot-Filled Pumpkin, here’s a concise guide:

  • Queue for the Encounter: Dive into the game’s Dungeon Finder tool (usually accessed via the ‘I’ key). Under the ‘Special Event’ category, players can queue specifically for the Headless Horseman. Remember, this is an exclusive dungeon, only available during the Hallow’s End event.
  • Engage the Headless Horseman: Adventurers are transported to the graveyard in the Scarlet Monastery once the group is formed. This is where they’ll face the formidable Headless Horseman, an encounter split across distinct phases, including a challenging segment where the Horseman’s head detaches to fight independently.
  • Secure the Loot-Filled Pumpkin: Upon the Horseman’s defeat, victorious players will find a Loot-Filled Pumpkin magically added to their inventory, but only if it’s their first win of the day. This unique reward can contain various items like Tricky Treats, masks, the rare Horseman’s Reins mount, and other Hallow’s End-specific novelty items.

In conclusion, while the Loot-Filled Pumpkin is limited to one per character daily, the hunt for Tricky Treats offers numerous avenues. As the haunting melodies of Hallow’s End fill the air, make the most of these opportunities, and may your loot be ever bountiful!

Hallow's End Vendor Location

As the eerie specter of Hallow’s End casts its shadow over the world of Azeroth, adventurers seek out special vendors, ready to exchange the unique treasures of the season. But where are these merchants found? And what exclusive goods do they have on offer?

Undercity for the Horde:

In the echoing halls of Undercity, Horde players will find two primary vendors, eagerly awaiting their Hallow’s End wares.

  • Dorothy: A one-stop-shop for everything Hallow’s End. From ghastly masks to whimsical wands, delectable food to rare recipes, and even some captivating pets and toys, Dorothy has a collection that no Horde member would want to miss.
  • Farina: For those particularly interested in masks, Farina is your go-to. Showcasing an assortment of Hallow’s End masks, she ensures you have the perfect look for your festive adventures.

It’s vital to note that, due to the events of the Battle for Azeroth, the Undercity now lies in ruins. But fear not! A unique portal in the Ruins of Lordaeron ushers players to an instanced, intact version of the city, ensuring the festivities go undisturbed.


Stormwind for the Alliance:

The regal city of Stormwind houses the Alliance’s primary vendors for Hallow’s End.

  • Katrina Shimmerstar: The chief Hallow’s End vendor for the Alliance, Katrina’s inventory bursts with masks, wands, mouth-watering recipes, and festival-exclusive pets and toys.
  • Spanky: A purveyor of various Hallow’s End masks, Spanky ensures Alliance members are spoilt for choice in their seasonal attire.

Apart from these significant faction-specific vendors, neutral vendors are scattered throughout Azeroth. Whether you’re in the mood for whimsical transformations with wands or fancy festive candies and apples, these neutral vendors cater to your every need.


Hallow's End Achievements:

While the allure of new items and playful pranks is hard to resist, the seasoned adventurers of Azeroth know there’s another aspect of Hallow’s End worth chasing: achievements. The event boasts 21 unique achievements, each presenting its challenges.

Meta Achievements:

Other Achievements:

🚀 Unlock The Hallow's End Magic Faster! 🎃

Hallow’s End in Azeroth isn’t just about chilling tales and shadowy figures. It’s an enchanting blend of history and festivity, bringing players together in spirited unity. Dive into the heart of Hallow’s End with LFCarry Boosting Service! Unleash the power, speed up the quests, and let the spook-tacular rewards roll in! 🌌👻. Ensure you’re always one step ahead, making the most of every eerie event and reaping all the coveted items. Don’t just participate, dominate the Hallow’s End with LFCarry! 🌟🔥.


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1 comment

  1. linetogel
    January 29, 2024 at 3:55 pm

    Superb, congratulations

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