A new kind of event called Time Rifts was introduced In Dragonflight. Participating in it will help you earn a REP with Soridormi, which will raise your rank and unlock a variety of rewards. Time Rifts will be available with Patch 10.1.5, Fractures in Time. In this guide we will be detailing everything you need to know about this event, from activities to rewards and much more!
What Kind Of Rewards Can I Gain From Time Rifts?
Paracausal Flakes is the latest currency introduced in Patch 10.1.5. You can use it to buy various cosmetics (pets, mounts, transmogs, etc). Also, alts can obtain gear and upgrade it to ilvl424 in Time Rifts.
The Reputation Rewards are one of the most important features of Time Rift. By successfully accomplishing the events players can receive reputation awards, which can help them get a variety of rewards. They canmay gain a variety of ranks through these Reputation rewards, and based on the rank they achieve, they could be in for some interesting rewards. Below are all the ranks, the reputation requirements, and the benefits you can get for achieving each one:
Rank | Reward | Reputation Requirement |
Anomaly | No reward | Starting Rank |
Future Friend | Minute Glass toy | 7,000 Reputation |
Rift-Member | Ensemble: Rift-Mender’s Vestments | 14,000 reputation |
Timewalker | Greater Encapsulated Destiny | 24,000 reputation |
Legend of the Multiverse | Legend of the Multiverse achievement and “Unparalleled” title | 42,000 reputation |
How Can I Participate In Time Rifts?
You’ll need to approach Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus, where Time Rifts take place. Here you will also be able to find Soridormi and other traders. The Time Rift events begin each hour at the top of the hour. You may consult the Thaldraszus minimap to see how long it will take for a Time Rift to occur. You only must show up at the location, wait for the event begin and then speak with Soridormi to get started.
How Can I Find Soridormi?
Finding Soridormi can be challenging, but she is a crucial aspect in the Time Rift event. Fortunately, after discovering where to find her, the rest is fairly easy. You only have to go to the Tyrhold Reservoir to locate Soridormi. Regarding your rep rewards, you may engage with Soridormi here. You can also locate her in the Primalists Future. You can travel there through the portal in Thaldraszus’ Temporal Conflux.
How Does Time Rifts Work?
You can begin fulfilling missions by speaking with Soridormi in the Tyrhold Reservoir as soon as a Time Rift opens. Two phases make up a Time Rift event’s 15 minute duration: a 10 minute cleaning phase and a 5 minute portal to an alternate timeline.
Phase One:
Players will be given a mission by Soridormi to assist in cleaning up their present timeline during the initial ten minutes of a Time Rift. Similar to earlier open-world activities like the Community Feast and Researchers Under Fire, participants are given a selection of tasks to complete. These activities could involve solving minigames, eliminating specific adversaries, gathering objects around the Tyrhold Reservoir, or killing as many foes as you’re capable of in a minute.
As a point of interest, players typically receive the order to just kill any adversaries still present in Tyrhold Reservoir in the final moments of a Time Rift.
By accomplishing tasks in Phase One you can obtain Paracausal Flakes that can be utilized to buy things from vendors at the Reservoir. Also, you will gain Soridormi REP. You gain reputation with Soridormi and Paracausal Flakes, which can be used to buy goods from vendors at the Reservoir, when you complete activities in Phase 1 of Time Rifts. Additionally, players acquire Temporal Essence as they finish tasks, as well as unlocking extra rewards by acquiring it.
- Obtaining 1000 Temporal Essence will give you a Box of Tampered Reality, that possesses 20 Paracausal Flakes and 15 Soridormi REP.
- Obtaining 2000 Temporal Essence will give you a Box of Volatile Reality that possesses 40 Paracausal Flakes and 30 Soridormi REP.
- Obtaining 3000 Temporal Essence will give you a Box of Collapsed Reality that possesses 80 Paracausal Flakes and 60 Soridormi REP. It will also give you the achievement Collapsed Reality.
Phase Two of the Time Rift event begins after the first ten minutes have passed.
Phase Two:
A portal to an alternate reality will become accessible at the heart of Tyrhold Reservoir when Phase One finishes, giving players five minutes to pass through it to go to a different timeline. You can enter one of the two timelines shown in the map marker, out of a total of seven possible timelines:
- Azmourne, in which the Scourge successfully seized control of Azeroth.
- In A.Z.E.R.O.T.H., King Mechagon was successful in turning on his doomsday device, eradicating all organic life on the planet Azeroth.
- Azmerloth is a timeline in which murlocs are the only race present in Azeroth, despite the fact that most events there appear to follow the regular timeline.
- Azeroth is now engulfed in demons in the timeline known as Azewrath, in which the Burning Legion triumphed in the War of the Ancients.
- In the other reality of Azq’roth, the Black Empire continues to rule Azeroth, reducing it to a lifeless planet that has been destroyed by the Old Gods.
- In the timeline known as Warlands, there was no need for the Horde and the Alliance to cooperate against significant threats, and the faction conflict grew worse.
- In the utopian timeline Ulderoth, the Titans imposed Order with absolute power and exterminated all planetary corruption threats.
It is challenging for a solitary player to confront a Fractured Causality once they have entered an alternate timeline because they will change into an NPC for that timeline. The boss of the given timeline can drop items like cosmetics, ilvl402 Veteran 1/8 gear, and more, as well as a significant number of Paracausal Flakes and Soridormi REP.
Completion Rewards
Time Rift participation and completion come with a variety of benefits. You can gain REP using Soridormi and Paracausal Flakes by:
- Defeating foes in Time Rifts gives you 1-2 Paracausal Flakes and 1-2 Soridormi REP
- Accomplishing tasks in Time Rifts gives you 30 Paracausal Flakes and 30 Soridormi REP
- Defeating the final boss of a Time Rift gives you 150 Paracausal Flakes and 400 Soridormi REP
In addition, you must finish a Time Rift in order to accomplish the weekly mission When Time Needs Mending. When this mission is finished, you receive a Contained Paracausality that includes:
- 350 Gold
- 1000 Paracausal Flakes
- 2750 Soridormi reputation
- 1 Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragment
- 1 Dilated Time Capsule
- 1 Encapsulated Destiny
At the Tyrhold Reservoir, a number of vendors offer gear and cosmetics with designs inspired by each of the invading timelines. These are acquired through participating in Time Rift activities and completing the daily tasks in Eon’s Fringe, which yield Paracausal Flakes.
In that particular Time Rift timeline, the boss has a chance to drop any of the items that are listed below. While there is a slight chance that these awards will appear naturally, you can utilize Encapsulated Destiny, which you can get by finishing the Time Rift weekly or specific Eon’s Fringe dailies, to ensure a reward for the following Time Rift boss you kill.
Bronze Dragonflight Attire
The open-world set with a dragon motif that was first introduced in Patch 10.1 is available in Bronze at Shi Everbreeze. These items can also be used as catch-up for newly leveled alts because they are all ilvl402 with a Veteran 1/8 item track (upgradable to ilvl424).
Each item costs Paracausal Flakes, which are coins earned from finishing Time Rifts and daily tasks in Eon’s Fringe, as well as Dilated Time Capsule, the prize found in Contained Paracausality for successfully finishing the first Time Rift of each week.
- 1 Dilated Time Capsule, 5 Paracausal Flakes: Cloak, Bracers, Belt
- 1 Dilated Time Capsule, 10 Paracausal Flakes: Boots, Gloves, Shoulders
- 1 Dilated Time Capsule, 15 Paracausal Flakes: Chest, Helm, Pants
Cloth | Leather | Plate | |
Bronze and Infinite Dragonflight Weapons
Bronze Weapons | Infinite Weapons |
Bronzegift Mallet (One-Handed Mace) Ever-Repeating Rifle (Gun) Time Keeper’s Polearm (Polearm) Temporal Battle Staff (Staff) Time Slicer (Two-Handed Sword) Timeless Bulwark (Shield) | Spacetime Cleaver (One-Handed Axe) Edge of Tomorrow (Dagger) Hoursteel Mace (One-Handed Mace) Chroniton Wand (Wand) Chronospire (Staff) Inevitable Claymore (Two-Handed Sword) Timespan Scepter (Off-Hand) Rift Render (Warglaive) |
Azmourne Items
Item | Cost | Description |
Flying mount, purple recolor of Vanquisher mounts from Icecrown. | ||
Cosmetic Crossbow transmog. Gray recolor of Final Voyage. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed axe transmog. Red recolor of Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter. | ||
Cosmetic Bow transmog. | ||
Scourge-themed Tabard. Tabard is purple and black with the Scourge emblem. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Mace transmog. Blue recolor of Split Greathammer. | ||
Cosmetic Staff transmog. Blue recolor of Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas. | ||
Cosmetic Staff transmog. Light gray recolor of Staff of the Plaguehound. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Sword transmog. Green recolor of Blade of the Keening Banshee. | ||
ilvl402 Veteran 1/8 Primary Stat trinket. Equip: Nearby player and enemy deaths grant you a lost soul up to 10. Consuming lost souls empowers you, gaining 90 Mastery per soul for 20 seconds. Use: Let the power of the Scourge course through and corrupt you, consuming all Lost Souls and transforming into a Lich for 20 seconds, during which your harmful spell and abilities have a chance to slow the target by 10% for 5 sec. Begin to gather ice and form it into a Pillar of Frost, after 10s, launch the Pillar at your target, dealing 136,651 Frost Damage split between all nearby enemies. 2 min 30 sec cooldown. | ||
Grants 520 Reputation with the Knights of the Ebon Blade. | ||
Magic Battle Pet, nerubian skin. |
A.Z.E.R.O.T.H. Items
Item | Cost | Description |
Mechanical Battle Pet, mini-robot skin. | ||
Cosmetic Dagger transmog. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Mace transmog, gold recolor of Misery’s End. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Sword transmog, gold recolor of Malice. | ||
Cosmetic Wand transmog, brown and gold recolor of Rod of Imprisoned Souls. | ||
Cosmetic Gun transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed Sword transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Shield transmog, gold and green recolor of Pulsing Spellshield. | ||
Ground mount, purple recolor of Kor’kron Juggernaut | ||
ilvl 402 Veteran 1/8 Intellect trinket. Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to grant you Blessing of Eternal Kings for 15 sec, allowing your heals to shield the target for up to 58237 damage. The shield lasts for 8 sec. | ||
Grants 100 Reputation with the Rustbolt Resistance, up to Exalted reputation. |
Azmerloth Items
Item | Cost | Description |
ilvl402 Veteran 1/8 Primary Stat trinket. Equip: Your harmful spells and ranged abilities have a chance to conjure a cyclone at your current target’s location. The cyclone follows the initial target dealing 81,875 Nature damage over 10 sec split between all enemies. While inside the cyclone, enemies become Lightning Conduits. Dealing damage to a Lightning Conduit has a high chance to unleash a bolt of forked lightning, dealing 4,093 damage split between them and up to 4 additional nearby targets. | ||
Humanoid Battle Pet, it’s the murloc version of Gul’dan from the Azmerloth timeline. |
Azewrath Items
Item | Cost | Description |
Magic battle-pet, baby Infernal skin. | ||
Cosmetic Warglaive transmog, gray and red recolor of Illidari Warglaive. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed Axe transmog, gray and gold recolor of Argus Decapitator. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed Mace transmog, gray and gold recolor of Face of Ruin. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed Mace transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Polearm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Staff transmog, green recolor of Eredar Battle Staff. | ||
Cosmetic Two-Handed Sword transmog, purple and green recolor of Blood Guard’s Tooth | ||
ilvl 402 1/8 Veteran Primary Stat trinket. Equip: Your harmful spells and abilities have a chance to manifest a Fel Elemental by your side for 12 sec, periodically dealing 6421 Fire damage to your target and increasing your Haste by 980. | ||
Flying mount, green recolor of Valarjar Stormwing. | ||
Grants 250 Reputation with the Armies of Legionfall. |
Azq’roth Items
Item | Cost | Description |
Flying battle pet, N’Zoth bat skin. | ||
Ground mount, yellow-green recolor of Core Hound Chain. | ||
Cosmetic Shoulder transmog. Ragnaros shoulders from Firelands. | ||
Cosmetic Dagger transmog, blue-purple recolor of Fanged Tentacle. | ||
Cosmetic Fist Weapon transmog, blue recolor of Clattering Claw. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Mace transmog. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Sword transmog, green recolor of Treachery’s Bite. | ||
Cosmetic Staff transmog, purple and blue recolor of Stalk of Corruption. | ||
Cosmetic Shield transmog. | ||
ilvl 402 1/8 Veteran Agility/Strength trinket. Equip: Your auto attacks have a chance to deal 9699 additional Fire damage. Your harmful abilities have a chance to make the Fragment erupt, dealing 8083 Fire damage split between all nearby enemies. The Fragment also has a chance to react to your damage taken, counterattacking for 9699 Fire damage. | ||
Grants 250 reputation with the Rajani. |
Warlands Items
NOTE: This vendor sells different wares to Alliance and Horde characters.
Item | Cost | Description |
Dragonkin battle pet, armored black whelpling skin. |
Item | Cost | Description |
Flying mount, dark gryphon skin. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Axe transmog. | ||
ilvl 402 1/8 Veteran Agility/Strength trinket. Equip: Your melee attacks and abilities have a chance to Kingstrike your target, dealing 5820 Holy damage. Use: Let loose a five-hit combo upon your target dealing a total of 126820 Physical damage and unleashing a Kingstrike with each blow. (1 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown) | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Cord and Jingoist’s Treads. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Mitts and Jingoist’s Wristwraps. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Cloth Shoulder and Cloak transmog, Contains Jingoist’s Epaulettes and Jingoist’s Cape. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Belt and Jingoist’s Boots. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Gloves and Jingoist’s Wristwraps. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Leather Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Spaulders and Jingoist’s Cloak. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Clasp and Jingoist’s Footpads. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains ingoist’s Grips and Jingoist’s Bonds. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Mail Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Mantle and Jingoist’s Drape. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Girdle and Jingoist’s Warboots. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Gauntlets and Jingoist’s Vambraces. | ||
Cosmetic Alliance-themed Plate Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Jingoist’s Pauldrons and Jingoist’s Shroud. | ||
Grants 5 reputation with Stormwind. |
Item | Cost | Description |
Ground mount, white wolf with red saddle skin. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Axe transmog. | ||
ilvl402 Veteran 1/8 Strength/Agility trinket. Equip: Your melee attacks and abilities have a chance toDoomstrike your target, dealing 5820 Nature damage. Use: Let loose a five-hit combo upon your current target dealing a total of 145490 Physical damage and unleashing a Doomstrike with each blow. (1 Min, 30 Sec Cooldown) | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Gloves and Wrist transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Mitts and Warmonger’s Wristwraps. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Belt and Warmonger’s Treads. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Cloth Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Epaulettes and Warmonger’s Cape. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Leather Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-theme Leather Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-theme Leather Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Leather Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Gloves and Warmonger’s Bracers. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Leather Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Belt and Warmonger’s Boots. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Leather Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Spaulders and Warmonger’s Cloak. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Hand and Wrist transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Grips and Warmonger’s Bonds. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Clasp and Warmonger’s Footpads. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Mail Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Mantle and Warmonger’s Drape. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Chest transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Legs transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Helm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Hands and Wrist transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Gauntlets and Warmonger’s Vambraces. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Waist and Feet transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Girdle and Warmonger’s Warboots. | ||
Cosmetic Horde-themed Plate Shoulder and Cloak transmog. Contains Warmonger’s Pauldrons and Warmonger’s Shroud. | ||
Grants 5 reputation with Orgrimmar. |
Ulderoth Items
Item | Cost | Description |
Flying mount, black and white albatross skin. | ||
Mechanical battle pet, robot baby rhino with green leaves skin. | ||
ilvl 402 Veteran 1/8 Intellect trinket. Equip: Your healing has a low chance to manifest a Sapling of Life near your target’s location that periodically restores 15417 health split between you and all allies in your party for 15 sec. As the Sapling gives, its life slowly fades. Healing the Sapling of Life extends its duration up to 30 sec. | ||
Tabard, blue and brown with a titan face in its chest. | ||
Titan-themed Cloth Ensemble. | ||
Titan-themed Leather Ensemble. | ||
Titan-themed Mail Ensemble. | ||
Titan-themed Plate Ensemble. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Axe transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Fist Weapon transmog. Bronze and gold recolor of Kinetic Ripper. | ||
Cosmetic One-Handed Sword transmog. Gold recolor of Remorse. | ||
Cosmetic Polearm transmog. | ||
Cosmetic Off-Hand transmog. |
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Darya Chavez is a gaming journalist passionate about delivering the latest news from the world of video games. With a sharp eye for industry trends and updates, she keeps players informed about upcoming releases, events, and major game changes.