Get ready for some major updates to Ranked distribution, promos, and a new Ranked tier in League of Legends! The LoL devs have made a post on what’s going on Ranked this year. This season will feature adjustments to the Promotion Series to best of 3 and removing visible rank influence in matchmaking. But that’s not all, further changes are in the pipeline to make promotions resolve faster and to mitigate the issue of smurfing. Dive in with us to find out more about it!
What Changes Are Taking Place In Ranked?
Riot Games product lead, Riot Auberaun, in a recent post dived into changes made to the Ranked Season. Let’s go over each of them one at a time:
- Promotion Series has gone from best of 5 to best of 3: Riot intended for the promotion series to wrap up faster, and with this tweak they achieved it. They seem to be satisfied with the outcome, so probably in the future will see them resolving far quicker, possibly instantly.
- Eliminating visible rank impact in matchmaking: Riot maintains this was an appropriate decision for returning LoL gamers, however, they did take into account feedback from fans regarding more smurfs in their games. With this update, they deliberately chose to bargain more smurfs in regular games for returning gamers, but they still don’t seem too thrilled with the present effects of smurfing in the gameplay.
- Victorious Skin and New Rewards Track: It’s still too soon to tell the impact of these updates. Having additional rewards is never a bad thing. On the other hand, Victorious Anivia was announced as the Victorious Skin for Season 2023 – Split 1.
Previously in the season, in 13.4, Riot adjusted the gameplay so players could freely move up and down the ranks in order to make ranked a more interesting experience. They were successful, although there were a few unintended consequences that still need addressing. Raising LP variance has narrowed the first portion of the journey towards your rank. After that, you may begin to encounter LP losses that outnumber your wins assuming your MMR isn’t around the level of the rank you’re attempting to reach. Riot is working towards fixing this issue, although it accomplishes a vital purpose: avoiding rank inflation and ensuring ladder integrity.
An important number of players are now in high ranking positions, however it is crucial to note that the MMR requirements to maintain those levels during 2022/2023 haven’t been modified. Gamers are now getting to ranks they would have gotten to over time regardless. And that is thanks to the faster LP advancement. The very first version of Master+ did not plan for such a large community, which has gradually increased over the years. As soon as the following milestone for a Master tier player is Grandmaster, which is 800 LP away, there’s certainly room for enhancements to the progression experience. After all, it’s critical that the Grandmaster level is viewed as distinguished. In the long run, if you’re in the top 0.5%, you should be extremely good at it.
What's On The Horizon For Ranked?
Further down Riot’s post, Riot Revenancer, the Systems Lead for the Motivations initiative, added some information about what’s coming next for ranked in League of Legends. Let’s find out what’s in store for the upcoming rank reset and the logic behind these decisions. First and foremost, let’s delve into Riot’s evolving approach towards ranked and its underlying philosophy.
Throughout its history, LoL has maintained a ranking system that heavily favors the lower tiers. In the realm of competitive ranked games, it’s common to find tiers that are comparable in size to Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum – with Iron at the bottom and Diamond+ at the top. Bronze and Silver represent gamers who are beneath standard or standards, whereas Gold and Platinum denote those who are superior to the norm and exceptionally skilled, accordingly. Over 60% of LoL players fall within the Silver and Bronze ranks. Surprisingly, many Silver players are already performing beyond average, whereas Gold players are soaring high above the rest.
In comparison with the majority of games with reminiscent ranking systems, a sizable percentage of gamers are a tier lower. In Split 2, Riot is modifying that, and distributions will switch to a more equitable percentage split, centered on gold. With this modification, ranks will more accurately reflect the importance you’ve become accustomed to in other games, and numerous players will experience an increase in their final rank.
That is concerning to the main rankings, so you may be wondering what will happen with Diamond and higher? Riot isn’t currently planning on modifying the top levels since it is essential for them to maintain the privileged status and distinction they have. However, if the curve were to flatten without some sort of compensation, Diamond would see a large inflation. That’s why they are introducing a new rank called Emerald to help counteract this, which you might recall from Wild Rift. Between Diamond and Platinum, Emerald rating will encompass nearly the same proportion of gamers that Platinum does right now.
In between splits, Riots intends to implement partial resets. It will operate similarly to the resets you’re familiar with, but because your initial reset was lesser than normal, you’ll actually start at a higher rank than you normally would’ve in previous resets. Additionally, they’ve included a few additional functions to make it simpler for you to advance through the ranks you attained in Split 1:
Placement games will now be reduced from 10 to 5.
Since players have already passed over placements previously and Riot is resetting the ladder gradually, the starting rank can be identified faster so players can cut down on the time it takes for them to ladder up. Although the mid-year reset was the reason behind this move, Riot will also keep it at 5 placements for the upcoming season.
Promotion series are being discontinued.
The promotion series has always been a controversial element of the ranking system. The purpose of the Promotion Series was to heighten the tension and stakes at key periods during your League Career. Although they undoubtedly accomplished this, they also produced circumstances in which players would repeatedly rebound off them, delaying their progression and causing frustration. Riot came to the conclusion that the burden of constantly running through promotion series for ranks you might have already acquired outweighed the advantages of holding a large series of games after considering how often gamers are going to be playing them in addition to climbing and two splits. Starting with the following split, once you have sufficient LP, you will be able to skip tiers.
In Conclusion
- The rank curve is being flattened; each rank’s significance will be nearer to what you may anticipate ranks to represent in other games, and more people will be at a higher tier than previously.
- Between Platinum and Diamond, Riot is introducing a new rank called Emerald.
- There will be a smaller than normal rank reset.
- You just must complete 5 placement games.
- The promotion series is no longer available.
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Darya Chavez is a gaming journalist passionate about delivering the latest news from the world of video games. With a sharp eye for industry trends and updates, she keeps players informed about upcoming releases, events, and major game changes.