Last Updated on February 18, 2025 by Blog Admin
In the world of The Division 2, a game rich with loot and rewards, exotic items hold a special place in every agent’s arsenal. These unique pieces of gear and firearms not only offer intriguing abilities but also serve as a testament to a player’s prowess and achievements. In this guide, we list all Division 2 exotics that are available in the game in 2023 and also share how you can obtain each one of them. So, let’s roll!
Division 2 Exotic Armor
Let’s start with Division 2 how to get exotics, namely gear pieces.
- Vile Mask: This exotic mask can be obtained through several methods, including targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Coyote’s Mask: Similar to the Vile Mask, the Coyote’s Mask can be acquired through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions. Additionally, farming the Jefferson Trade Center SHD mission is a notable way to obtain it.
- Catharsis: The third exotic mask, Catharsis, can also be obtained through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
Chest Pieces
- General Ridgeway’s Pride: Can be obtained by completing all 100 levels of The Summit.
- Tardigrade Armor System: To get it, you need to defeat any True Sons bosses during bounties or main missions, and can also acquire it through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Dodge City Gunslinger’s Holster: This holster is available in the Warlords of New York Expansion. Players need to receive the “Holster Intel: Go West, young Agent” project from crafting vendor Inaya al-Khaliq. Completing the mission and opening the supply room chest will give the first piece of the holster. After completing the “The Rude, The Bad, and The Evil” project and donating the exotics received, players will get the “Showdown at High Noon Saloon” project. Completing this project and donating the piece received will earn enough materials to craft the holster.
- Waveform: This holster can be obtained through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Imperial Dynasty: Players can find this holster after killing a named cleaner boss during a mission. It is also available through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Memento: This exotic backpack can be obtained through various means such as targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Acosta’s Go-Bag: Similar to Memento, Acosta’s Go-Bag can be acquired through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- BTSU Datagloves: These gloves can be obtained by completing the Camp White Oak mission and defeating Galveston or by taking down Black Tusk bosses. Additionally, they are available through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Bloody Knuckles: Players can acquire these gloves through targeted loot, weekly Exotic Caches, The Summit, Countdown, and Legendary Missions.
- Sawyer’s Kneepads: Can be obtained via Exotic Caches.
- Ninja Messenger Kneepads: The item can be extracted from the Dark Zone.
This was the first Division exotic list in our guide, so now let’s proceed with firearms.
The Division 2 Exotic Weapons
In this section, we will list another type of exotics and also tell you how to get exotic weapons Division 2.
- Diamondback: Unlocked by completing The Convoy Expedition.
- Pestilence: Random drop from killing named bosses in the Dark Zone.
- Nemesis: Obtained by completing a series of endgame invaded missions and strongholds.
- Sweet Dreams: Random drop from Outcast bosses.
- Merciless: This weapon from our Division 2 exotics list 2023 is a random drop earned by defeating Hyena bosses.
- Chatterbox: Acquired by farming Hyena keys and opening Hyena Caches.
- Liberty: Acquired by beating a series of tough missions, like Capital Hill Stronghold, Viewpoint Museum, American History Museum, and Space Administration HQ.
- Eagle Bearer: Random drop from defeating bosses in the Operation Dark Hour raid.
- The Ravenous: This is one of the most popular exotics Division 2, and it’s an exclusive drop from the Operation Dark Hour raid.
- Chameleon: The Assault Rifle drops during Bounty Events. The higher the difficulty, the higher the drop chance for this weapon.
- Backfire: Can be obtained through the targeted loot in The Summit and Countdown and also by completing open-world activities.
- The Regulus: This is an exclusive drop from the Operation Dark Hour raid.
- Mantis: Similar to Backfire, it can be acquired through the targeted loot in The Summit and Countdown and also by completing open-world activities.
- Bighorn: The weapon is a drop from the end bosses in the Legendary versions of Strongholds, District Union Arena, Capitol Building Roosevelt Island, and The Summit.
- Scorpio: This Exotic Shotgun can be found in Exotic Caches and drops from Countdown or the open-world activity.
- The Bullet King: Drops in Rikers missions.
- Lady Death: The weapon can be obtained via targeted loot in The Summit and Countdown and also through completing open-world activities.
Now you know what firearms you can get your hands on, as well as how to do so. As for the Division 2 exotic weapons locations, you can find those by participating in activities they’re tied to.
Obtain Any Exotic Instantly
As you can see, these items are quite difficult to get, as they are locked behind demanding missions and challenges, which take time and effort to complete. And if you truly want to be unstoppable in the game, you need these armor pieces and weapons in your arsenal.
But how can you acquire them all and preferably fast? You can do it on your own, wasting hours on the grind, or you can turn to LFCarry and our PROs, who will be glad to give you a hand in this. That way, instead of spending precious time doing tedious but necessary tasks, you can let professionals do all the hard work for you and deliver you the coveted items in the blink of an eye.
So, if you want to be the lucky owner of all the best and most powerful weapons and armor in the game, visit, and let us help you achieve this goal today!
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Polly Gruse is a seasoned gamer with extensive experience in the Call of Duty series, as well as deep expertise in Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft, allowing her to craft detailed guides and insightful analyses that help players refine their skills, master game mechanics, and stay ahead of the competition.