Division 2: Broken Wings – An Inside Look

In Year 5, Season 1: Broken Wings, The Division 2 soars to new heights. This audacious season unfolds a chilling new narrative, introduces innovative gameplay elements, and offers riveting challenges. As a new threat grips post-pandemic Washington D.C., Division agents must restore order. Join us for a deep dive as we shed light on this thrilling chapter of ‘The Division 2.’



The Division has learned that eleven individuals have gone missing and are presumed dead due to the White House attack. The missing individuals are said to hold vital information about the White House and The Castle Settlement. Therefore, you will be sent on a dangerous rescue expedition in search of them.

Year 5’s premier season will feature Mari Singh, the previous Director of the D.C. Aquarium. She settled into The Castle and established a fish farm to serve the community and create a safe and secure environment for their expanding family. Before any harm may befall Washington, you must find and free Mari and the remaining four hostages. Safeguarding the citizens will contribute to restoring The Castle and key Division functions. All the best, Agents!  



In contrast to other game modes, which seem to have an endless difficulty curve, the free 1 to 4 player mode Descent has an almost unlimited and unpredictable progression. It is not necessary to own Warlords of New York to access Descent.

When the game mode begins, agents are depleted of all their equipment, specialties, and advantages. The game mode is an environment in which you can try out builds that aren’t practical in the main game, pushing them strategically and promoting an in-depth comprehension of the build meta. The goal of the NSA Facility’s A.R. training simulation was to push Ortiz Robotics technology to its maximum. To assist Wally in gathering information from the NSA database, let your equipment and SHD technology behind.

Go to Descent from the Mega Map, Castle Settlement Door, Matchmaking Station, or Helicopter Pilot to start the simulation. Switch on navigating rooms, equipping weapons, abilities, and talents as you take on foes, bosses, and the Nemesis, the game’s ultimate foe.

After you’ve defeated the Nemesis, keep running to see how far you can go and earn unique leaderboard items! Every week, under your Collectibles menu, you can learn more about the simulation’s past and the relationship between Ortiz Robotics and the Division and the Black Tusk.

Gear, Weapons & Talents

Broken Wings offers many brand-new weapons and gear! It will feature new exotics, Named Weapons, a Brand Set, and various new Gear Talents. Take a peek at them in the tables below:


St. Elmo’s Engine

Exotic AR

Talent Actum Est


Shooting a foe grants 1 stack, at 100 stacks the following magazine will be loaded with shock ammunition.


Shocker Punch

Exotic Holster

Talent Defibrillator


50% time reduction occurs when players gets dazzled by an electric skill. A shield increases melee damage by 100%. When employing the St. Elmo’s Engine Exotic AR, melee attacks do an additional 100% damage and shock any opponents hit within a 5-meter radius. Its cooldown is 15 seconds. Armor, Explosive Resistance, and Hazard Protection are fixed characteristics.




Talent “Perfect Thunder Strike” – Deals 40% additional damage to shocked targets.

Big Show


Talent “Perfect Thunder Strike” – Deals 40% additional damage to shocked targets.

Talent Thunder


Deals 30% additional damage to shocked targets. Apart from Signature weapons, it applies to all weapon categories.


Talent Determined

It lets you chain multiple headshots by employing the Talent’s buff.

New Gear

The Cavalier

Gear Set

2 Pieces equipped grants +30% Hazard Protection.

3 Pieces equipped grants +40% Incoming Repairs.

4 Pieces equipped grants access to a new unique talent.


Talent Charging


Agents will receive a 5% reduction in oncoming skill damage for every second they are not in cover throughout combat. Maximum 50%.


Talent Charged


Obtain immunity to all movement speed debuff when fully charged, and for 10 seconds, teammates will benefit from hazard protection and damage reduction.

If the Agent is still engaged in battle and outside of cover after the Charged effect has worn off, the Charging bonus will restart. There is no stacking for charged talent.

If a different Agent uses Charged on an ongoing Charging Talent, Charching will stop while the Charged Talent is active.


Chest and Backpack Bonuses:


Chest Bonus – Talent Overcharging

Raises the maximum incoming damage defense of the Charger to 70%.


Backpack Bonus – Talent Safe Charging

Charger provides 10% protection every second.


Gear Brand Set

1 Piece equipped grants +10% Status effect Damage.

2 Pieces equipped grants +20% Electricity Protection.

3 Pieces equipped grants +10% SMG Damage.


Chest and Backpack Bonuses:


Named Chest “Henri”

Talent Perfect Companion.

20% more weapon damage overall is dealt in a 10-meter area around an ally or talent.


Named Backpack “Lavoisier”

Talent Perfect Galvanize.

When you use Blind, Ensnare, Confuse, or Shock on a foe, you and all teammates across 30 meters of that opponent gain 50% of your armor as extra armor for 10 seconds

Quality Of Life Changes

  • Conflict XP rebalancing.
    • Extra SHD XP progression was added.
  • The living world activities XP received renovations.
    • Double XP for Convoy activities was eliminated
    • Across all activities, XP gains are now 12% higher
  • Grants Tab was implementedto simplify the compensation process and make items simpler to get.
    • The grants Tab is located in the Store.
  • A new setting that would let players alter the mission difficulty, irrespective of the world difficulty setting was included.
  • A quick grenade selection menu was implemented.
    • Press G for P.C. 
    • Press D-pad Left for the consoles.
  • Visual feedback for locked Grenades:
    • Players will notice a notification letting them know whether or not the selected Grenade can be equipped when looking through the Grenades menu in the Inventory.
  • An option to “add to favorites” Apparel Items has appeared.
  • Directives selection for Raids were included.
  • An option for displaying specific mission directives on the mega map was included.
  • Holding ESC or SPACE now allows you to skip videos and epilepsy warnings.
    • The P.S. and X.B. keys are the Space button’s equivalents. 
    • Options (P.S.) and Map/Hide Map (X.B.) are the equivalents of the Escape button. 
  • A feature that shows the current loadouts in which the chosen item is used was introduced. A new In Loadouts section has been added to the bottom of the Item Details window in the Inventory.
  • Moving your mouse over the relevant tiles or tabs now displays the Inventory’s Hide/Show Mask and Hide/Show Signature Weapon buttons.
    • They are on display in the cross Options layout.
  • A notification for the Primary, Secondary, and Sidearm weapons’ skin slots has been added; it will show up if the player has any available custom skins for those weapons in the Store. A quick button on the notification also leads to the page for the Weapon Skins Store.
    • Only accessible once you’ve opened the store’s section on custom weapon skins.

Other Quality Of Life Changes

  • The problem with the task Difficulty setting not sticking while traveling quickly to the task from the Mega Map has been resolved.
  • Deconstructing Named items from Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set can now grant Brazos de Arcabuz resources.


  • Balancing and Difficulty:
    • Talents balancing
      • Allegro – Decreased the initial and per tier bonus rate of fire from 10% to 7% 
      • Breadbasket – Decreased Headshot damage from 20% to 15% 
      • Concussion – Decreased the initial and per tier bonus. The weapon damage bonus is from 10% to 5%. Decreased the per tier Duration bonus from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Decreased the per tier Weapon damage from headshot kills from 15% to 10%. 
      • Obliterate – Raised the initial Weapon damage bonus from 1% to 1.5% and added a fixed number of stacks – 30. 
      • Adrenaline Rush – Decreased Bonus armor initial and per tier bonus from 5% to 3%. 
      • Optimized – Decreased the initial and per tier Weapon handling bonus from 10% to 5%. 
      • Vindictive – Decreased the initial and per tier Critical Hit chance bonus from 7% to 3%. 
    • Reduced the arena defensive buff from 20% to 15%.
    • Balanced the Exotic Talents drop chance by raising it after Descent Loop 4 
    • Upgraded the supply shop norms by letting just 2 random special ammunition on the list. 
    • Fixed difficulty lvling after lvl 30.
    • Added Named Item blueprints from Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the Reconstructed caches.
  • Rogue agents’ encounters:
    • Healing packs were eliminated.  
    • Upgraded the spawn values based on the quantity of players (quantity + 1 rogue agent) 
    • Raised the rogue agent’s spawn rate.
    • Boosted rogue agents’ Health, Damage, and Armor.
  • Nemesis encounters:

    • Resistance to shock ammunition
    • A bug that prevented Nemesis from using his stick bomb and chem launcher skills has been corrected. 

Apparel Event

A New season cannot be without some brand-new vanity items!

While the event is going on, players can lvl up their watch levels to gain Apparel Cache keys and access various items using caches. The most appealing aspect is that these event caches don’t contain any duplicates!


You can get SHD technology- and Black Tusk-inspired gear as part of Season 1: Broken Wings. The sources listed below can be used to obtain Escalation Apparel Event keys for the Apparel Caches:

  • All players are given one free key, SHD leveling
  • One key is awarded for each four SHD levels, and premium credits can be used directly to purchase more keys.
  • Additionally, if you have a Year 5 Season 1 Premium Pass, you will receive 3 additional keys. 

Season Pass

The optional Season Pass gives you access to extra cosmetics and the opportunity to unlock season gear as you advance, and it costs 1000 Premium Credits ($9.99 or your local equivalent) in the in-game store. Anyone who owns The Division® 2 Warlords of New York and Ubisoft + subscribers can access Year 5 Season 1: Broken Wings.

The subsequent premium track awards are also accessible to users with the Season Pass:  

  • Nine new weapon skins  
  • Ten new gear dyes 
  • Three new emotes 
  • Three new armbands 
  • Special vanity attire from Season 1 of Year 5. 
  • A Splinter Cell outfit 
  • As the level 100 reward, a new helmet is available.

Conquer The Gameplay: Master Division 2: Broken Wings With LFCarry

You are indeed eager for the Season 1 Manhunt’s new missions and targets and to learn more about the Black Tusk, Hunters, Division technology, and Ortiz Robotics and their mysterious past. However, you don’t need to overcome this whole new content on your own. Embrace the chaos of The Division 2: Broken Wings with LFCarry’s boosting service! 

Navigate the daring rescue expeditions, dominate the new Descent mode, and master new exotic weapons and gears with our professional, battle-tested team. Stay ahead of the game – upgrade your experience, improve your performance, and secure your place on the leaderboards. Choose us now to begin your journey with LFCarry and rise above in ‘Broken Wings.’ Success is just a boost away!


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