Diablo 4 Side Quests and Dungeons: Maximizing Your Renown in Season 1

In Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant, players constantly seek ways to maximize their Renown. One of the most effective strategies is to complete side quests and dungeons in each region. This guide provides a detailed overview of these quests, including their locations, objectives, maps, strategies, tips, and information about prerequisites and subsequent quests where applicable.


The Importance of Side Quests and Dungeons

Side Quests

Side quests are a valuable source of Renown, gold, and experience. They often reward players with special caches containing valuable crafting materials or equipment. Therefore, it’s beneficial to undertake as many side quests as possible in each region. Side quests scale to your level, so don’t be deterred by the quest levels shown in the chart. These primarily reflect the level at which the quest was completed when the screenshots were taken. Some older intro graphics were taken during beta testing when there were recommended levels, but these are no longer applicable.


Dungeons are integral to the Diablo 4 experience, often linked to side quests and providing additional challenges and rewards. Running dungeons together with side quests allows players to double down on Renown, making them an essential part of the game’s strategy.

Quests and Dungeons by Region: Fractured Peaks

Frigid Expanse: Cries of Innocence leads into Black Asylum dungeon.

Cries of Innocence

Cries of Innocence Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Olyam Tundra
Started by: Vendral Trost
Dungeon required: Black Asylum

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 03:30 Minutes
Item Reward: Murmuring Cache

Black Asylum dungeon

Black Asylum Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Frigid Expanse
Monsters: Skeletons, Ghosts
Side Quests: Cries of Innocence
Boss: None

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Frigid Expanse: The Dread Martyr leads into Hallowed Ossuary dungeon.

Dread Martyr

The Dread Martyr Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Olyam Tundra
Started by: Sir Cromwell
Dungeon required: Hallowed Ossuary

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:30 Minutes
Item Reward: Ore Cache

Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon 

Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Frigid Expanse
Monsters: Zombies, Vampires
Side Quests: The Dread Martyr
Boss: Blood Bishop

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Margrave: Legacies of Light's Watch leads into Light's Watch.

Legacies of Light’s Watch 

Legacies of Light's Watch Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Margrave
Started by: Zalan Coste
Dungeon required: Light’s Watch

Quest Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Light’s Watch Dungeon

Light's Watch Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Dobrev Taiga
Monsters: Bandits, Werewolves
Side Quests: Legacies of Light’s Watch
Boss: Den Mother

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Bear Tribe Refuge

Gory Display (optional) leads to Beast’s Challenge & Shattered Tribute which leads into Hoarfrost Demise (Nightmare Dungeon}. After completing these two Side Quests and liberating the Malnok Stronghold, Hammer of the Champion will become available, which leads into Rimescar Cavern.

Gory Display Side Quest

Gory Display Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Olyam Tundra
Started by: Warrior’s Chain

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 01:00 Minute
Item Reward: Herb Cache

Beast’s Challenge Side Quest

Beast's Challenge Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Bear Tribe Refuge
Started by: Greganoch
Quest-Chain: Bear Tribes

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 02:30 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cachee

Shattered Tribute Side Quest

Shattered Tribute Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Bear Tribe Refuge
Started by: Sena
Dungeon required: Hoarfrost Demise
Quest-Chain: Bear Tribes

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 03:30 Minutes
Item Reward: Leather Cache

Hoarfrost Demise Dungeon

Hoarfrost Demise Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Seat of the Heavens
Monsters: Goatmen, Skeletons
Boss: Khazra Abomination

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Malnok Stronghold

Malnok Stronghold is located in Fractured Peaks

Malnok Town Features

Once you have freed Malnok, you’ll also open the following features.
  • Dungeon: Anica’s Claim
  • Dungeon: Rimescar Cavern
  • Vendors
  • Side Quest*

Renown Rewarded: 100

Hammer of the Champion Side Quest

Hammer-of-the-Champion-Side Quest
Hammer of the Champion Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Bear Tribe Refuge
Started by: Gregonach
Dungeon required: Rimescar Caverns
Stronghold required: Malnok
Quest-Chain: Bear Tribes

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item: Grizzly’s Maul

Rimescar Cavern Dungeon

Rimescar Cavern Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Malnok Stronghold
Monsters: Goatmen
Side Quests: Hammer of the Champion
Boss: Khazra Abomination

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Kor Valar: Blood Sermon leads into Sanguine Chapel.

Blood Sermon Side Quest

Blood Sermon Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Kor Valar
Started by: Sister Vera
Dungeon required: Sanguine Chapel
Special Requirement: Campaign Progress

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 07:30 Minutes
Item Reward: Murmuring Cache

Sanguine Chapel Dungeon

Sanguine Chapel Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Seat of the Heavens
Monsters: Zombies, Vampires
Side Quests: Blood Sermon
Boss: Blood Bishop

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Kyovashad: Sight to Madness leads into Cultist Refuge

Sight to Madness Side Quest 

Sight to Madness Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Kyovashad
Started by: Vilek
Dungeon required: Cultist Refuge
Stronghold required: Nostrava

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 03:30 Minutes

Cultist Refuge Dungeon

Cultist Refuge Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Nostrava Stronghold
Monsters: Cultists
Boss: None

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Nostrava Stronghold

The Nostrava Stronghold is located west of Kyovashad in the Fractured Peaks.

Nostrava Stronghold Features

Once you have freed Nostrava, you’ll also open the following features.

  • Waypoint
  • Dungeon: Cultist Refuge
  • Vendors
  • Altar of Lilith (can be obtained during or after Nostrava quest)

Renown Rewarded: 100

Kor Dragan Barracks: Bloodied Note Will Drop in Kor Dragan Barracks Which Leads to the Forgive Me Side Quest.

Sight to Madness Side Quest 

Forgive Me Side Quest in the Fractured Peaks


Region: Fractured Peaks
Zone: Quietus Gallery
Started by: Bloodied Note
Dungeon required: Kor Dragan Barracks

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 01:00 Minute
Item Reward: Herb Cache

Kor Dragan Barracks Dungeon

Kor Dragan Barracks Dungeon in the Fractured Peaks


Location: Fractured Peaks, Sarkova Pass
Monsters: Skeletons, Vampires
Boss: None

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Quests and Dungeons by Region: Scosglen

Cerrigar: What Ails Thee Leads to Fields of Ruin, and Finally Feral Moon Which Leads Into Sarat's Lair (Nightmare Dungeon).

What Ails Thee Side Quest 

What Ails Thee Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Cerrigar
Started by: Cori

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:05 Minutes

Fields of Ruin Side Quest

Fields of Ruin Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: The Downs
Started by: Phelani

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:10 Minutes

Cerrigar: What Ails Thee Leads to Fields of Ruin, and Finally Feral Moon Which Leads Into Sarat's Lair (Nightmare Dungeon).

Daughter of the Oak Side Quest 

Daughter of the Oak Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Cerrigar
Started by: Keeper Albard
Dungeon required: Underroot
Stronghold required: Tur Dulra

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:20 Minutes

Túr Dúlra Stronghold 

Túr Dúlra Stronghold is located in western Scosglen

Tur Dulra Town Features

  • Túr Dúlra Waypoint
  • Dungeon: Underroot
  • Dungeon: Wretched Delve
  • Druid Class Mechanic: Spirit Boons
  • Side Quest*

Renown Rewarded: 100

Tur Dulra: The Diviner Leads Into Wretched Delve Which Becomes Available After Liberating the Tur Dulra Stronghold.

The Diviner Side Quest 

The Diviner Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Tur Dulra
Started by: Scholar Yuein
Dungeon required: Wretched Delve
Stronghold required: Tur Dulra

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:20 Minutes

Corbach: The Seer Leads to Smoke Signals, and Finally Reclamation Which Leads Into Domhainne Tunnels (Nightmare Dungeon).

 The Seer Side Quest

The Seer Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Strand
Started by: Baewyn the Seer

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:05 Minutes

Smoke Signals Side Quest

Smoke Signals Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Corbach
Started by: Baewyn the Seer

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:05 Minutes

Reclamation Side Quest 

Reclamation Side Quest in the Scosglen


Region: Scosglen
Zone: Corbach
Started by: Chieftain Eiruig

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 00:20 Minutes

Quests and Dungeons by Region: Dry Steppes

Untamed Scarps: Augury of Bones Leads to Hubris Smiles Back Which Leads Into Grinning Labrynth.

Augury of Bones Side Quest

Augury of Bones Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Jirandai
Started by: Nomin
Quest-Chain: Hubris Smiles Back (1st quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes

Hubris Smiles Back Side Quest

Hubris Smiles Back Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: The Grinning One
Started by: Ogai
Dungeon required: Grinning Labyrinth
Quest-Chain: Hubris Smiles Back (2nd quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Untamed Scarps: Consumed by Pride Leads to Raising Spears Which Leads Into Champion's Demise.

Consumed By Pride Side Quest

Consumed By Pride Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Crane Tribe Hutmoot
Started by: Ealda
Quest-Chain: Fury Against Fate (1st quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Leather Cache

Raising Spears Side Quest

Raising Spears Side Quest in the Dry Steppes
Raising Spears Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Crane Tribe Hutmoot
Started by: Ealda
Dungeon required: Champion’s Demise
Quest-Chain: Fury Against Fate (2nd quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 10:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Fury Against Fate Side Quest 

Fury Against Fate Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Crane Tribe Hutmoot
Started by: Ealda
Dungeon required: Champion’s Demise
Quest-Chain: Fury Against Fate (2nd quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 10:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Worthy of Arreat Side Quest

Worthy of Arreat Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Crane Tribe Hutmoot
Started by: Ealda
Dungeon required: Ancient’s Lament
Prerequisite Quest: Fury Against Fate

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 02:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Chambatar Ridge: Curious Curios Leads to In the Name of Love Which Leads Into Whispering Vault.

Curious Curios Side Quest

Curious Curios Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: The Boiling Plains
Started by: Sameera
Quest-Chain: A Fiend So Familiar (1st quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 03:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Gem Cache

In the Name of Love Side Quest

In the Name of Love Side Quest in the Dry Steppes


Region: Dry Steppes
Zone: Fate’s Retreat
Started by: Rakhaan
Prerequisite Quest: Curious Curios

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Quests and Dungeons by Region: Hawezar

Zarbinzet: The Heretic Leads to A Price to Pay Which Leads Into Blind Burrows.

The Heretic Side Quest 

The Heretic Side Quest in the Hawezar


Region: Hawezar
Zone: Umir Plateau
Started by: Vass
Quest-Chain: The Heretic (Quest 1 of 3)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 7:00 Minutes
Item Reward:
Leather Cache

A Price to Pay Side Quest

A Price to Pay Side Quest in the Hawezar


Region: Hawezar
Zone: Umir Plateau
Started by: Complete The Heretic
Quest-Chain: The Heretic (Quest 2 of 3)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 7:00 Minutes
Item Reward:
Gem Cache

Blind Burrows Dungeon

Blind Burrows Dungeon


Location: Hawezar, Fethis Wetlands
Monsters: Spiders, Bugs
Side Quest: A Price to Pay
Boss: Broodguard

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Zarbinzet: Remnants of Faith Leads Into Maugan's Works.

Desperate Remedies Side Quest

Desperate Remedies Side Quest


Region: Hawezar
Zone: Dismal Foothills
Started by: Elder Lau
Quest-Chain: Desperate Remedies (1 of 2)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration:8:00 Minutes
Item Rewards:
Herb Cache

Light’s Refuge Dungeon

Light’s Refuge Dungeon


Location: Hawezar, Dismal Foothills
Monsters: Knights, Bugs, Wildlife
Side Quests: Desperate Remedies
Boss: Knight Council

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Vyeresz: Left Behind Leads Into Shadowed Plunge Which Becomes Available After Liberating the Vyeresz Stronghold.

Left Behind Side Quest

Left Behind Side QuestRemedies Side Quest


Region: Hawezar
Zone: Vyeresz
Stronghold Required: Vyeresz
Started by: Mateen

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 5:00 Minutes
Item Reward: 
Ore Cache

Shadowed Plunge Dungeon

Shadowed Plunge Dungeon


Location: Hawezar, Vyeresz
Stronghold: Vyeresz
Monsters: Snakes, Cultists
Side Quest: Left Behind
Boss: Non

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Vyeresz Stronghold

Vyeresz Stronghold

Vyeresz Stronghold Features

  • Waypoint
  • Side Quests: “Left Behind” and “Lost Cause”
  • Dungeon: Shadowed Plunge
  • Vendors
  • Altar of Lilith (can be obtained during or after Vyeresz quest)

Renown Rewarded: 100

Quests and Dungeons by Region: Kehjistan


Gea Kul: The Speaking Stone Leads to A Voice from the Past, Which Leads Into Conclave.

The Speaking Stone

The Speaking Stone


Region: Kehjistan
Zone: Gea Kul
Started by: Fisherman

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 01:00 Minutes

A Voice from the Past

A Voice from the Past


Region: Kehjistan
Zone: Central Plateau
Started by: Izel, Mysterious Shrine
Dungeon Required: Conclave
Quest-Chain: A Voice from the Past (1st Quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Gem Cache

Conclave Dungeon

Conclave Dungeon


Location: Kehjistan, Southern Expanse
Monsters: Cultists, Fallen
Side Quests: A Voice from the Past
Boss: None

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

Iron Wolves Encampment: A Wolf's Honor Leads Into Forgotten Ruins (Nightmare Dungeon).

A Wolf’s Honor Side Quest

A Wolf’s Honor Side Quest


Region: Kehjistan
Zone: Iron Wolves Encampment
Started by: Asa
Dungeon required: Forgotten Ruins
Quest-Chain: Iron Wolves (1st quest)

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Tala’s Fanged Blade

Amber Sands: Symbol of Faith Leads Into Tomb of the Saints (Nightmare Dungeon).

Symbol of Faith Side Quest

Symbol of Faith Side Quest


Region: Kehjistan
Zone: Zakarum Chapel
Started by: Amr
Dungeon required: Tomb of the Saints

Rewards and Duration

Renown: 30
Gold and Experience: Depends on Character Level
Duration: 05:00 Minutes
Item Reward: Salvage Cache

Tomb of the Saints Dungeon

Tomb of the Saints Dungeon


Location: Kehjistan, Amber Sands
Monsters: Ghosts, and Beasts (Maggots)
Side Quests: Symbol of Faith
Boss: Resurrected Malic

First Completion Rewards
Renown: 40

The Hero's Call 

And so, our guide comes to an end. But your journey in Diablo 4 is just beginning. Side quests and dungeons await, each a stepping stone on your path to renown. But remember, even the greatest heroes need allies. At LFCarry.com, we’re more than just a guide – we’re your comrades in arms. With our help, you’ll rise to every challenge Diablo 4 throws your way. So, answer the call, hero. Your destiny awaits at LFCarry.com!

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