Modern Warfare 2 puts a spin on many mechanics of its predecessor. The weapons leveling and progression systems have been changed, but arguably the biggest change occurred to the battle pass system. If you’ve already played the game, you must have seen how drastically different it looks from everything we’ve seen before. Today, we’re going to learn to understand how you unlock the rewards in the new Battle Pass (BP) and why the developers decided to go this route altogether.
How It All Works
First of all, let’s talk about the obvious thing – the BP looks completely different. Before, you had your classic linear BP with levels. As you play the game, you reach new levels in the BP, unlocking the rewards tied to these levels. Sometimes there’s only one reward per level, and sometimes there’re multiple rewards. Either way, the order in which you unlock stuff on the BP used to be fixed.
All of this has changed. Now instead of a long line of levels with rewards, you will be exploring something reminiscent of a map divided into sectors. Each sector has 5 rewards. When you play the game and complete various missions and challenges, you get BP tokens – a currency that you can then spend on unlocking rewards within the sector that you like. Inside a sector, you can decide in which order you unlock the first 4 rewards. The fifth and final reward of the sector can only be unlocked once the previous four rewards have been accessed.

You start your way in sector A1. Once you’ve gained access to all of the rewards in that sector you can then decide to start unlocking rewards in A2 or A3. Meaning you can choose which rewards to unlock next from the adjacent sectors. Those who bought the BP will have access to all of the rewards from all sectors and more. They will also get access to sector A0 and the Victory Sector, which is unlocked when 100% of the rest of the sectors have been unlocked.
The variety of rewards is fairly similar to the previous three games of the franchise:
- Operators
- Operator skins
- Vehicle skins
- Emblems
- Calling Cards
- War Tracks
- Charms
- Stickers
- New weapons (usually 2 per BP)
- Weapon Blueprints
- Watches
- … and more
Players who haven’t bought the BP will only have access to 20 rewards from the entire BP, and they will have to find and unlock the sectors that have them just like everybody else. However, if you did buy the paid BP, you will then be able to unlock over a hundred unique rewards. Besides, you will return the value of the BP in CoD Points (CP), which you will unlock as a reward. That way, you’ll be able to buy the next BP for free. If you keep playing actively and complete the BPs of each season, then you will never have to spend real money on it, except this first time.
Sector A0 - the Bonus Sector

The Bonus Sector, also known as A0, contains exclusive rewards for those who purchased BP. This season it includes:
- Gun screen – Chronophobia
- Vel 46 Bluprient – Myth Maker
- .50 GS Blueprint – Articulate Response
- 10% XP Boost for BP
- Operator – Zeus
Zeus is a Nigerian operator, he is a former member of the Nigerian Army Special Forces Battalion whose family got killed by Al Qatala terrorists. After that accident, Zeus founded a new counter-terrorist group called the “Thunder” Corps to avenge his relatives.
The Victory Sector of the BP contains a new Operator skin for Zeus called “Olympus King,” as well as the M4 blueprint called Mortal’s Bane and a total of 300 CoD Points.
Season 1: New Weapons
A tradition that has been set in the first Modern Warfare (2019) – to add two new weapons each season as part of the BP. Thankfully, even players who didn’t purchase BP will still be able to unlock these new weapons as they are both among the 20 free rewards in the BP. The sectors that contain these new weapons are A6 and A7.

This SMG can be unlocked from sector A6. It is described as a highly-customizable platform with a very high fire rate. BAS-P uses the 9x19mm subsonic rounds, making it an ideal choice for close-quarters fights.
A lot of MW2 bloggers are calling loadouts with this weapon “insane,” especially when it is used in a loadout with a sniper rifle. It should be pointed out, however, that all new guns are usually overpowered when they come out. This means that you should probably focus on unlocking this weapon and the next one to use it before the developers nerf them.
Victus XMR SR

The second weapon of Season 1 is a .50 cal bolt-action sniper rifle. Just like BAS-P, Victus XMR could be used in the single-player campaign in one of the final missions. This gun comes with a variety of modifications, which means that if you are a sniper, this weapon may very well become the centerpiece of your loadout.
Why is Linear Battle Passes a Thing of the Past?
To be honest, when you understand the way the new BP works, you start to ask yourself – why wasn’t it done before? It is way better to be able to choose the order in which you unlock the rewards in your BP. The new system may seem a bit overcomplicated, but once you’ve unlocked a few sectors, its advantages become apparent, and you probably won’t want to come back to the older linear way of unlocking your rewards.
With that being said, I hope you grasped how the new system works and are now able to enjoy it as much as I do. Remember that if you need help unlocking stuff in the game, you can always count on Have a great day, and I’ll see you at the next one!
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Andrew Gollow is a seasoned gamer with years of experience in World of Warcraft and other top online titles like Destiny 2. He specializes in in-depth guides, helping players master game mechanics and optimize their gameplay. His passion for theorycrafting and strategy makes his content a must-read for both beginners and veterans.